From sheet A, release the long, 10-section SPACECRAFT BUS. Bend so it becomes roughly circular, the silver and gold squares outside. Pinch a crease into each of the nine hinges between the bays.
Position the tab at one end of the BUS between the ears at the other end. Bend the tab over so that it's flush with the front. Secure with glue.
Notice that two of the tabs on one side of the BUS have arrows. One at a time, bend over each of the ten tabs on that side, going inward toward the center.
Release the BUS SUPPORT from sheet A. Trim off any remaining rough edges. Smear a film of glue around the outside 1/4 inch on the blank white side, and position it up inside the SPACECRAFT BUS, to hold its shape. Bring it up into contact with the bent-over tabs. Place upside-down on a flat surface and press down the BUS SUPPORT so the ten tabs will flatten squarely and adhere to it.
From sheet A, release the two halves of the PROPELLANT TANK. Join at right angles, and set its flat edge on the black + in the middle of the BUS SUPPORT, inside bus. Glue.
Bend up the ten bottom sections of the SPACECRAFT BUS toward the center, forming a shelf at right angles to the walls of the bus.
NOTE: the image shows the assembled Spacecraft Bus with the Propellant Tank (it also shows some trusswork which is to be added later).